Dave Smith – Senior Pastor
I am a Texan, through and through. Born and raised in Dallas, I went away to college in East Texas (Stephen F. Austin State University) where I met the love of my life, Kathy. After we married, we shared the Dallas Seminary experience and then moved to San Antonio, where we were among the five couples who launched Northwest Community Church in 1982.
Kathy and I have three grown children (Ben, Zach, and Erin) and we are the proud grandparents of seven, with family in San Antonio, College Station, and Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I enjoy exercising regularly and going backpacking as often as possible. Kathy and I love to hike the trails at nearby parks and Hill Country State Parks when we can.
I have always loved the normal activities that come with shepherding a church – preaching and teaching, counseling and helping others take next steps with Jesus. I am blessed that Northwest has also given me freedom to pursue cross-cultural ministry activities over the years, reflecting our church’s passion for Missions.
Yes, I’ve been here for a while. And after all these years I am more convinced than ever that when it’s working the way God intended it to work, the local church is the best place in the world to experience genuine worship and transformational community in our “hurry-up” world. It is my fervent hope that everyone who calls Northwest Community Church “home” will soon become involved in genuine, soul-to-soul relationships where life touches life.
I believe that there is no message more beautiful and more freeing than this: Eternal life is the free gift of God to the one who believes in Jesus. That’s grace.
My life in Christ began in grace and I have continued to experience God’s amazing grace through the years. Our church is committed to the idea that faith alone in Christ alone saves forevermore. From that secure beginning in grace, we grow in grace.
Or, as we say it around here, we take “next steps” with Jesus.
I invite you to take your next steps with Jesus together with us, so that we can all learn together how to help others take their next steps with Jesus.