Little Faith

LITTLE FAITH 06/27/2024 After this life is over, you and I will EXPERIENCE what we have always hoped for; we will SEE what we formerly saw only through the eyes of faith. It seems,…

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Redemptive Suffering

REDEMPTIVE SUFFERING (June 18, 2024 Kathy and I recently said good-bye to our longtime friend, Scout. Scout had been getting free room and board at our place for a long time. But she more…

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Toys or Treasure

December 15, 2022 We credit the late uber-rich tycoon, Malcolm Forbes, with being the first to say, “He who dies with the most toys, wins.” Those words are catchy. And they’ve made their way…

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Community (…cont’d)

The message I gave this past Sunday was titled “Following Jesus into Community.”  In case you could use a refresher… I based the first half of my message on three passages found in Matthew’s…

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September 8, 2022 The final chapters of the Acts of the Apostles present us with a mixed bag, with some outrageously wonderful positives and enough negatives to leave us wondering about the future of…

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09/01/2022 Right after telling us about Jesus’ miraculous healing of a leper (Luke 5:12-16), Luke records the story of how He dealt with a man who was paralyzed. (Luke 5:17-26) Here’s the set up…

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