P.T. Gaines - Leader of Youth Ministries

P.T. Gaines - Pastor of Youth MinistriesPreston T. Gaines (who goes by his initials of P.T. due to the fact he and his father share a name), was born April of 1990 in San Antonio, and raised just 30 miles west in Hondo. He was homeschooled for his entire education and is currently enrolled at UTSA pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering. P.T. was raised in a Christian, church-going home, and thereby accepted Christ as his savior at a very early age. Sometime near 13 years old, he committed his life to Christ. Since that day, he will be the first to tell you, that you can never know what God has in store for you.

P.T. enjoys working on cars and is in process of restoring a 1969 Mustang he purchased when he was 14 from jobs that had acquired for farmers in Hondo. Since then he has had a multitude of jobs ranging farm hand, mechanic, and theater technician.

When P.T. was 16 and on a short term mission trip, he felt like God was telling him to pursue youth ministry. Ever since then he kept looking for the opportunity to serve in that capacity. In 2011, after attending and becoming a member of NWCC, he began assisting with the middle school ministry on Wednesday nights; while still being an active member in the young adults ministry: The Refuge. When the announcement came that the church was looking for a youth director, he felt God push him to apply. After a few months of prayer, screening, and interviews, God has placed this ministry in his life.

P.T. believes, from his experiences and the experiences of others, that middle school and high school have the potential to be times of great growth and pursuit of God, or conversely, times of hurt and self seeking. It is his belief that a loving youth ministry, with a team of great leaders (both adult and student) can aid both the students and parents in this tumultuous time.

P.T. is excited to see what God has around every corner in his life, and definitely in this ministry. It is his desire to see students grow spiritually and own their faith so that they can live out Matthew 28:18-20.

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